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Veteran Perspectives

App-based work provides the military community with opportunities to earn income on their own terms – with the added flexibility to continue their education, support family needs, and thrive as they transition from service to civilian life.

A new survey released by Morning Consult, the first national poll of app-based workers, captured the attitudes of veterans who earn through app-based platforms and found that they are overwhelmingly satisfied with app-based work in continuing lives of service and giving back to their communities.

They have also indicated they want to maintain the flexibility and independence app-based work provides. The survey found 88% of veteran app-based workers prefer to remain independent contractors.

The survey released by Morning Consult surveyed 1,251 app-based workers across the United States and was conducted on behalf of Flex, the voice of the app-based economy.

Source: Flex
Category: Experiences and Perspectives of Workers, Infographics