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Protecting Independent Work

Technological innovation has made flexible, independent work available to more people than ever before. Policymakers should support independent work, respecting the opportunities that have drawn people from every walk of life to our members’ platforms.

Department of Labor New Worker Classification Rule

The U.S. Department of Labor has published its new rule, revising the agency’s guidance on how to determine who is an employee or independent contractor under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

We believe this revision is unnecessary.

It’s not reflective of the modern economic choices and opportunities enabled by app-based platforms. It’s contrary to what most independent workers want. And it’s potentially harmful to all those who have embraced app-based services to earn income, meet key community needs, and better fit their lives.

What’s more, the Department of Labor showed that, under the prior rule, effectively target actual instances of misclassification.

Read Flex’s statement on the Department of Labor’s release of the agency’s new rule.

Read our comments on the Department of Labor’s worker classification proposal.

Read the letter to Secretary Walsh signed by 47 Members of Congress, expressing their support for independent work and opposition to the Department of Labor’s proposed rule

Read the statement from Flex CEO Kristin Sharp

Read more on our blog

Rep. Issa’s Resolution in Favor of Independent Workers

On January 31, Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) introduced a resolution recognizing the contributions of independent workers and contractors to the American economy and defending economic opportunity for the millions of Americans that make their living by working for themselves.

Read the resolution

Read Rep. Issa’s press release

“Driving and delivering with Uber has made it easier for me to be a mother. It’s hard to find a job that will work around my daughter’s schedule. Now I can make money and take her with me when I’m making deliveries.”

Charlisa M, Pennsylvania, driving with Uber and UberEats