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The Hill op-ed: Flexibility is driving work forward

“Going to work” looks different now than it did two years ago. Amid a pandemic that has altered more than 600,000 businesses, we have had no choice but to evolve the way we work. Today’s work takes place at home, at a coffee shop, or in a car. We’ve reached a watershed moment that’s empowering people to rethink what they want from their work, and it’s increasingly clear that they want their future to be flexible.

It’s no wonder so many Americans are turning to app-based platforms. More than 52 million have chosen to drive, shop and deliver on their own time, opting to build work around their lives and not the other way around. It’s not full-time work for most. Nationally, app-based workers average eight hours per week and often use multiple platforms.

Read more here.

Date: 03/08/2022
Category: Flex Insights